Pilates has given me a greater awareness of my body
and how I use it in my daily life.”
Client’s Comments
Nearing seventy, and with a body disabled with pain and stiffness from over a dozen surgical operations, I went in search of a Pilates teacher. Many turned me down, explaining that they had neither the confidence nor the skills to work with my complex condition. Then I was introduced to Vanessa. With the assurance and empathy that only someone who knows what they are doing can convey, she took me on, designing for me a thoughtful, tailored programme of one-to-one classes that were challenging, varied and highly effective. Equally as important, Vanessa recognised the degree to which I had lost confidence in my body and carefully helped me to re-frame my perception of what I could achieve physically. Vanessa is a pleasure to work with – inspiring, encouraging, good company. I would be pleased to commend Vanessa and her work to anyone and to do so entirely without reservation.
— Andrew Coggins
I saw Vanessa for 5 sessions to deal with a sore Achilles’ tendon that had been a problem previously and had flared up again. Vanessa was very thorough in having a holistic approach that looked at the whole body, especially in the context of my posture and walking style and how this could be creating problems. She then devised a series of exercises that helped to make the ankle better and to stop the problem from re-occurring. I would thoroughly recommend her!
— Cathy Gill
I have suffered from lower back pain the last three years. I started working with Vanessa a few months ago. Vanessa is thorough and personalised all the exercises to my needs. Now that I know there was something that could be done for my pain I wish I had sought help earlier.
— Susanne Cullen
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For more information or to book an appointment, please contact me.